Webinar 53: Q-Force: Automated parametrization of QM-based force fields using Q-Chem

June 24, 2021
QMMM QForce Force Field Graph

Did you miss our last webinar, "Q-Force: Automated parametrization of QM-based force fields using Q-Chem," presented by Dr. Selim Sami on June 24th?  It is now available to view on our website.


Wormit Award Mini-Syposium 2021: "Development and Applications of Coupled-Cluster Methods for X-Ray Spectroscopy"

June 14, 2021
Webinar 52 image

The 2021 Michael Wormit Award Mini-Symposium presentation, "Development and Applications of Coupled-Cluster Methods for X-Ray Spectroscopy," given by this year's Wormit Award winner, Dr. Marta Lopez-Vidal, is now available to view on our website.  Check it out here.

Q-Chem 5.4 Has Been Released!

June 1, 2021
Introducing Q-Chem 5.4

Q-Chem is pleased to introduce our latest release, Q-Chem 5.4. Its improved performance means that your computational work will run more efficiently so you can be more productive.  Check out the new features and consider upgrading today!

Webinar 51: "Implicit Solvation Models in Q-Chem, for Ground and Excited States" - Available to View

May 26, 2021
Webinar 51

Q-Chem's 51st webinar, "Implicit Solvation Models in Q-Chem, for Ground and Excited States"  presented by Prof. John Herbert on May 26th, can now be viewed on our website.

Webinar 50: "What's New in Q-Chem 5.4"-Available to View

April 27, 2021
Introducing Q-Chem 5..4

If you missed our webinar, "What's New in Q-Chem 5.4," presented on May 6th by Dr. Evgeny Epifanovsky, it is now available to view.

Anna Krylov is elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry

April 26, 2021
Royal Society of Chemistry logo

It has been announced that Q-Chem President and developer, Prof. Anna Krylov, has been elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry.  Congratulations, Anna!

Webinar 49: Ab-Initio Frenkel Davydov Exciton Model _ A tool to investigate collective excitations in extended systems

April 6, 2021
Webinar 49

Watch Q-Chem's Webinar 49, "Ab-Initio Frenkel Davydov Exciton Model: A tool to investigate collective excitations in extended systems," presented on March 31st by Bushra Alam, Ohio State University.

Summer at Q-Chem 2021 - Now Accepting Applications

March 4, 2021

Q-Chem has announced that it is now taking applications for its 2021 Summer at Q-Chem programClick here to find out more about this year's program and to find out the application procedures.  Application is open to graduate students and postdocs who are members of the Q-Chem developer community.

Congratulations to Marta Lopez Vidal: The 2021 Michael Wormit Award Winner!

March 3, 2021
Marta Lopez Vidal

Q-Chem is pleased to announce that Marta Lopez Vidal has been chosen as a recipient of the 2021 Michael Wormit Award, on the basis of her scientific innovation, her wealth of exciting new ideas, her impressive code development, and the breadth of her contributions to Q-Chem's infrastructure and to the Q-Chem developers' community.

The Michael Wormit award was established to recognize excellence in the development of new methods and algorithms in the area… Read More

Webinar 48: The ezSpectra Suite: An easy-to-use Toolkit for Spectroscopy Modeling

February 24, 2021
ezSpectra Suite image

Watch Q-Chem's Webinar 48, "The ezSpectra Suite: An easy-to-use Toolkit for Spectroscopy Modeling," presented on March 3, 2021 by Dr. Samer Gozem (Georgia State University).

Q-Chem Webinar 65: Non-Hermitian Quantum Chemistry Methods in Q-Chem

August 11, 2022
Thomas Jagau in front of a chalkboard

Most quantum chemistry methods assume that all electrons remain bound to the nuclei, but how do we accurately model situations where this isn't the case? The answer can be found in non-Hermitian… Read More

Q-Chem Welcomes Two New Board Members

August 3, 2022
New Q-Chem board members Joonho Lee and Yuezhi Mao

We are delighted to welcome two new members to the Q-Chem board, Dr. Yuezhi Mao and Dr. Joonho Lee. Yuezhi and Joonho are well-known to the Q-Chem developer community for their extensive… Read More

Q-Chem 6.0 Has Been Released!

July 1, 2022
Introducing Q-Chem 6.0

Q-Chem is pleased to introduce our latest release, Q-Chem 6.0. Its improved performance means that your computational work will run more efficiently so you can be more productive.… Read More

Webinar 64: Q-Chem 6 - Dawn of the Next Generation

June 20, 2022
Webinar 62: Q-Chem 6 - Dawn of the Next Generation

Did you miss our latest webinar, "Q-Chem 6 - Dawn of the Next Generation," presented on June 16, 2022 by Prof. Martin Head-Gordon of… Read More

Annual Q-Chem Award Symposium

June 14, 2022
Q-Chem Award Symposium Webinar Invitation Image

Video presentations are now available for viewing from the two award presentations by the 2022 Wormit Award Winner, Dr. Xintian Feng and by the Read More